Short Story

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our fundraising program for our hot spring residence in Yugawara, at Kanagawa of Japan, and we wanted to take a moment to share the exciting details with you. For as low as one month rent for a studio apartment in downtown Tokyo, you can now enjoy 28 days in our hot spring residence in total throughout the year, any length of duration as you wish, consecutively or separately.

AiR Izu Studio 再生特惠

by Same Same

  • ¥5,000,000

  • ¥0

  • 0

    Days to go
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    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is ¥84000 Maximum amount is ¥300000 Put a valid number
日本神奈川縣湯河原町, 日本
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Same Same

6 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio

Campaign Story

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our fundraising program for our hot spring residence in Yugawara, at Kanagawa of Japan, and we wanted to take a moment to share the exciting details with you. For as low as one month rent for a studio apartment in downtown Tokyo, you can now enjoy 28 days in our hot spring residence in total throughout the year, any length of duration as you wish, consecutively or separately.

  • ¥5,000,000

  • ¥0

  • 0

    Days to go
  • Goal and Date

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is ¥84000 Maximum amount is ¥300000 Put a valid number
日本神奈川縣湯河原町, 日本
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Same Same

6 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio

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Our project [WonderLust], originally operated as an Artist-in-Residence (AiR) facility, is now expanding its scope to welcome art-loving individuals from all walks of life. We believe that staying in our residence will provide guests with a truly transformative experience, unlike any other short staying hostels in the area.

At our hot spring residence, we offer an immersive environment where guests can not only relax and rejuvenate but also engage with art in a unique and inspiring way. Here are a few aspects we’d like to highlight to help potential contributors understand the essence of our AiR program:

1. The Power of Creativity: Our AiR program fosters an environment where artists from around the world can unleash their creativity and be inspired by the breathtaking natural beauty of our surroundings. By contributing to our fundraising campaign, you will be supporting the growth and development of artistic talent, providing artists with the opportunity to create remarkable works of art during their stay.

2. Cultural Exchange: As a guest in our residence, you will have the chance to interact with artists from different backgrounds, cultures, and artistic disciplines. This creates a rich and diverse community where ideas are exchanged, collaborations are formed, and new perspectives are gained. By supporting our fundraising program, you are promoting cultural exchange and global artistic connections.

3. Exclusive Access: Unlike traditional onsen resorts, WonderLust offers exclusive access to art exhibitions, installations, workshops, and performances by resident artists. You will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a world of creativity, witnessing the artistic process firsthand and engaging with art in a way that goes beyond mere observation.

4. Serenity and Relaxation: Our hot spring hostel provides a serene and tranquil environment nestled in the heart of nature. Guests can unwind in the healing waters of the hot springs, surrounded by picturesque landscapes that have inspired countless artists throughout history. By contributing to our fundraising campaign, you are helping us enhance our facilities, making the experience even more delightful for future guests.


More about Yugawara

More about WonderLust


No. of Guest per package

The designated occupancy of guest per our promotion package is one person each night of stay. Twin sharing occupancy will waive 2 units out of out 28D package per each night of stay.

Breakfast and Meal

Breakfast and meals from our seasonal menu at a discount is available for advance purchase in our Residence Store online.

Pickup shuttle service

Please check with front desk when available.

Cleaning on Checkout

Cleaning fees of JPY 2000 applied for every checkout per room.


Sales and travel tax to be settled on checkin

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¥84,000 or more

Every unit of this pledge will enjoy: 28 pax/days of stay consecutively or separately as you wish. Discount exclusive onsen hours. Discount breakfasts and dinners. Discount housekeeping services.

4 月, 2024

Estimated Delivery
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12 rewards left


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