日創嚴撰 講座預登記

預登記無需費用 亦非確認任何參加講座意向。這登記表只為統計時間/城市/月份 數據為場地及最佳分享內容甄選。最終講座細節決定後會以另函電郵確認。
⚠️  注:日創系列講座絕無物業投資買賣相關課題。

Pre-Registration is free of charge and does not constitute confirmation of any intention to participate. This registration form only statistics time/city/month data for selecting the venue and content of the seminar. A separate email will be sent to confirm the final details.
⚠️  Note: No property investment related matters will be covered in our series of seminars.


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實名(只在後台紀錄 不會在前端顯示) Name
請用實名登記 Please register with real name.
請使用和臉書或IG 一致的用戶名 (無需添加 @或#) Please use your Facebook or IG ID (Do not include @ or #)
現時狀態 Present Status
其他 請在表格最下方註明 Please fill in other status in end of page field
講座地點優先選擇 Your preferred Seminar Location
講座月份優先選擇 Your preferred Seminar Months
講座語⾔優先選擇 Languages
三月份烘焙創業班 March Pastry Class in Tokyo
如已經報名三⽉份烘焙創業班、準備報名或索取資料,請及時通知主辦⽅已經預先登記⽇創⽇本移居分享講座 If you have already registered March Pastry Class in Tokyo, are ready to register, or are requesting information, please notify organizer that you have pre-registered for this JVenture Seminar
你最關注的日本移居內容 Your most interested topics
有助安排最佳專題講者分享經驗 Helps arrange the best speakers to share their experiences on specific topics.
請簡單介紹您初步移居日本的計劃 時間 個人 / 家庭 / 子女 等等 Share a little information about yours plan to move to Japan.